Podcast Finale - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 21

Sam only has one more episode of her podcast to wrap up the story. She needs to figure out who killed Alberta.

Piecing The Clues Together - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 21

The ghosts are looking over all the clues and suspects on their murder board. Maybe together they can piece together the killer?

The Big Reveal - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 21

The ghosts are searching for the true murderer in Alberta's murder mystery. Everyone will be shocked over the news.

Internet Scam - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 21

Pete, Trevor, and Flower have discovered a new friend online. Could they be falling for the standard online scam?

Finding Clues - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 21

Does Nancy and the basement ghosts know something about Alberta's murder? Could they be helpful witnesses?

A Murder Mystery - Ghosts Season 2 Episode 21

The crew at Woodstone Manor have the biggest task of their lives: solving Alberta's murder mystery in a day.

Alberta's Murder Board - Ghosts

Sam, Jay, and the ghosts of Woodstone Manor have to put the pieces together to figure out who murdered Alberta.

Ghosts Season 2 Episode 21 Quotes

Jay: This is the murder board!
Isaac: This is what he’s been doing all day?
Sam: So, this took 8 hours, Jay?
Jay: It took a long time to find red string. Target was closed, Michael’s was all out, and honestly, I kinda lost track of time in Yarn Barn. That place is amazing!

Thorfinn: Hetty, your son throw better party than you used to.
Hetty: Of course! Everyone’s in the mood to celebrate. The stock market is roaring and there’s no end in sight.
Thomas: 1929 is sure to be the greatest year yet!
[He cheers glasses with a guest]