Kathleen Impresses the Jurty - tall - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 16

Kathleen is deadset on impressing the jury and winning them over to her side when it's time for opening statements.

Prosecution Team - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 16

The prosecution team has their ducks in a row and are ready to win the case against Tommy no matter the cost.

Opening Statement -tall - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 16

The prosecution and defense make their opening statements to the court and jury for Tommy's murder case.

First Murder Case - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 16

Callie's first murder case is underway and it's a rocky ride for everyone involved on Good Trouble..

Crowded Court - tall - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 16

It's a croweded court when the case against Tommy begins and they have to question all of the witnesses and experts.

Tommy's Defense - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 16

The defense team for Tommy is strong, but will they be able to combat the tricks Jamie and the prosecution have up their sleeves?

A Witness on the Stand - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 16

Kathleen speaks to one of the witnesses and friends of the victim and her client Tommy on opening day of the trial.

Polyship - tall - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 15

Lissi Lafontaine and Marcus Emanuel Mitchell guest-star along Zuri Adele when Malika embarks on a polyamorous journey.

Cooking with Sumi - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 15

Alice is distracted from her Lunar New Year holiday cooking and prepping because she's too enamored with Sumi

Love and Confusion - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 15

Davia is confused about who and what she wants when she spends time with both Dennis and Matt during the Lunar New Year celebration.

Sumi Improves - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 15

Sumi (Kara Wang) is there to help Alice, her family, and the rest of the Coterie celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Mrs. Kwan - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 15

Mrs. Kwan (Lee Chen) agrees to let Alice host Lunar New Year, but she'll always make her presence known.

Good Trouble Season 3 Quotes

Malika: This is all getting too real. I'm scared. 
Coworker: Just breathe. It's OK to be scared. This shit is scary, but you have a team.

I'm really sorry for all the things I said to you. You weren't a mistake.
