In My Head - Gotham Season 5 Episode 5

Strange has some great ideas on how to help Ed with his problem. Will Jim save the day?

Slice and Dice - Gotham Season 5 Episode 5

Strange is about to do something very evil, but who is behind this crazy scheme?

Old Friend - Gotham Season 5 Episode 5

Eduardo and his Delta team arrive in Gotham too help Jim and Harvey find the Haven bomber.

Hugo Strange - Gotham

Penguin leads Nygma back to Hugo Strange on Gotham. "Pena Dura" is the fifth episode of the show's fifth season.

Jim is on a Mission - Gotham Season 5 Episode 4

Jim is determined to find the bomber, but he will try to do it the right way. Justice always wins.

Jim and Penguin Face Offf - Again - Gotham Season 5 Episode 4

Jim and Penguin can't help but work together. It's a dance they'll do forever.

Judge and Lawyer - Gotham Season 5 Episode 4

Penguin wants to leave it to the people to decide what to do about Zsasz. Will they do the right thing?

The Man of Reason - Gotham Season 5 Episode 4

Harvey is becoming the man of reason in all the chaos going on in Gotham. Will he convince Jim to dump Babs?

And the Culprit Is... - Gotham Season 5 Episode 4

Ed finds out the truth of who bombed Haven and is shocked. What will he do about the evidence?

Another Look at Babs - Gotham Season 5 Episode 4

Babs shares her feelings with Jim on why she didn't kill Penguin when she had the chance. What did he think?

Jim Makes a Choice - Gotham Season 5 Episode 4

Jim is having a very bad day, but someone comes to his rescue to relieve his guilt and stress.

Judge Penguin - Gotham Season 5 Episode 4

Penguin decides to take Zsasz's fate to the people who survived Haven. What will they decide?