The interns from hell

Richard has his hands full with the new interns Eliza left him
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Elevator Canoodling

Jo and Alex steal a moment with one another in the elevator
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Sisterly Comfort

Meredith comforts Amelia after she finds out the news about her tumor.
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Secrets and Apologies

Andrew tries to tip Maggie off on Amelia's condition but ends up apologizing instead.
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A Merry Mer and Jo

After all of their hardwork, Meredith and Jo make a breakthrough in their polymer mini liver research.
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Unexpected Team

Arizona and Owen make an unexpected team, but they're a successful one when they investigate a doctor who is lying to patients and treating them for cancer they don't have.
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Prayer Circle

Richard's sponsor is dying, and he and Amelia have an AA meeting with her after Richard comes to grips with her diagnosis.
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Arizona's Scare

Arizona has a health scare, and she enlists the help of April and Owen to figure it all out on Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 18.
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April the Judge - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 20

April will be one of the judges at the presentation for the presentation of the projects that the doctors have been working on at GSM. She initially was bummed that she was conned out of participating, but this is her element, don't you think?
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A Couple Who Munches Together - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 20

Arizona and Carina have a nice romantic relationship developing between them that far exceeds Carina's predecessor. They've discussed their relationship a few times, but is it one that's long-term? It's hard to say.
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Cancer Pen - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 20

Richard presents the prototype that he has been working on that could possibly detect cancer without having to do invasive surgeries. After Ollie passed away, this means more to him than anything before.
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Secretive Catherine - Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 20

Catherine is known for keeping secrets from everyone. That's fine, except when the secrets she keeps can potentially jeopardize the entire hospital and everyone in it. Has she told Miranda the truth?
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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
