Piercing - Grimm Season 6 Episode 2

Which is more piercing, the flashlight or the color of his eyes?

Bound - Grimm Season 6 Episode 2

It's hard to see Renard in such a precarious position.

Stopping Renard - Grimm

Wu and Hank think they've found a way to stop Renard on Grimm. "Trust Me Knot" is the second episode of the show's sixth season.

Grimm Season 6 Episode 2 Quotes

Renard: You really think this is going to go anywhere?
Hank: *We* take *our* jobs seriously, Captain.

Trubel [they're surrounded by SWAT]: Let’s take ‘em on.
Monroe: Rosalee’s pregnant!
Rosalee: Monroe!
Monroe: Sorry.
Trubel: Whoah, you’re pregnant?
Bud: Right now?! Oh, my God, that’s wonderful!