Saul Presents Keane with Evidence - Homeland

Saul arranges a meeting between Javadi and Elizabeth Keane.

Carrie Looks Worried - Homeland

Carrie is worried because she doesn't know where Franny is.

Saul Pays Javadi a Visit - Homeland

Saul visits Javadi who is hiding out in a homeless shelter

Presenting Evidence - Homeland

Carrie is ready to present her evidence to Keane on Homeland. "alt.truth" is the eighth episode of the show's sixth season.

Dar and Javadi Discuss What's Next - Homeland Season 6 Episode 7

Saul figures out that Dar burned Javadi in order to keep up the charade of the parallel Iranian nuclear program.

Quinn and Dar Have a Chat Season 6 Episode 7 - Homeland

Dar and Quinn chat about old times on a dock by a lake.

Astrid to the Rescue - Homeland

Astrid catches up to Quinn, who's trying to hitchhike his way back to New York City.

Carrie and Reda at Family Court - Homeland

Reda represents Carrie at Family Court as she fights to keep custody of Franny.

Saul Asks Viktor for Help - Homeland Season 6 Episode 6

Saul asks an old SVR friend for help in gathering information on the whereabouts of Mossad agent Tova Rivlin over the past 10 days.

Keane Speaks to the Press After the Bombing - Homeland Season 6 Episode 6

Keane speaks to the press about the need for a new strategy to fight terrorism.

Carrie Looks for Quinn at Police Station - Homeland Season 6 Episode 6

The police give Carrie the runaround when she tries to find out where Quinn has been taken.

POTUS Urges Reauthorization of Patriot Act - Homeland Season 6 Episode 6

In a speech following the Manhattan bombing, POTUS urges PEOTUS and Congress to reauthorize the Patriot Act.

Homeland Quotes

Carrie: I missed something once before. I won't, I can't let that happen again.
Saul: It was ten years ago. Everyone missed something that day.
Carrie: Everyone's not me.

Carrie: Because Abu Nazir is playing the long game. This way no one expects a thing.
Saul: Except you?
Carrie: Except me.