Down in the Dumps - iZombie Season 2 Episode 5

Is it just us, or does Ravi look a little down in the dumps? It could be because he's got to enter into a partnership with Blaine if he ever wants to find a cure for zombieism. That's not exactly the safest plan for our resident doctor. Or maybe it's something more Peyton related? Ravi and romance have not gone hand in hand for a while now.

Zombie Alert! - iZombie Season 2 Episode 5

Who is the newest zombie in the morgue? No telling yet, but it probably has something to do with Blaine and Ravi teaming up to find another zombie cure. Now that Blaine has the corner on the Utopium market as well as the brain market, it makes sense that he'd want to go for the trifecta and control the cure as well.

Blaine is Back! - iZombie Season 2 Episode 5

It's been a while since Blaine visited the gold 'ole neighborhood morgue! Ravi doesn't look too happy about it, but we guess that's more about being left alone with a murderous zombie than anything else. On a side note, we'd love a whole episode of watching David Anders make faces behind people's backs.

Ravi Works - iZombie Season 2 Episode 5

Back at the morgue, Ravi's latest body delivery came complete with a bumped off basketball coach, whose murder Liv and Babineaux are set on solving. While Ravi performs the autopsy – and most likely prepares Liv's next meal – he also gets a surprise visitor...

Shocked Liv - iZombie Season 2 Episode 5

Uh oh! This is not a great look. What in the world could Major be telling Liv to have her so shocked? Well, many things, actually. Maybe that he's secretly working for Vaughn Du Clark as a zombie assassin? That he had angry sex with Gilda? That he's sliding down a slippery slope to Utopium addiction? Man, Major really is piling up the secrets lately.

Gilda Plots - iZombie Season 2 Episode 5

Gilda the Great is also kind of a plotter, so we imagine she'll be itching to find out just what Liv is capable of as a zombie. She's already got a lead on Liv's "psychic abilities," so she's not too from finding out about all the other great stuff. Let's just hope she doesn't poke Liv with a knife to test out her healing, or she might get a taste of full-on zombie mode.

Girls Night - iZombie Season 2 Episode 5

Liv might not know Gilda's deep dark secret (secrets, when you figure in who her surprise daddy is!), but that won't stop her from spending some quality time with her new roomie. These two should really play a game of 20 Questions and see just who slips up first.

Major Looking Rough - iZombie Season 2 Episode 4

Utopium does NOT do the body good. Being forced to kill innocent zombies has taken its toll on Major, sending him spiralling into a Utopium addication to deal with the guilt. And that addiction is certainly showing. Hopefully Ravi or Liv will pick up on the problem soon and offer Major a way out!

Smug Blaine - iZombie Season 2 Episode 4

Going after Mr. Boss, confronting his father, and blackmailing the zombie DA would tucker most people out, but not Blaine. He looks smug as ever, and he's doing a nice job of keeping up zombie appearances. We wonder how long that will last before his human secret is out of the bag.

Peyton on the Case - iZombie Season 2 Episode 4

Peyton might need to deal with a few more of those dirty details than she expects! This year, she'll be on the Utopium case at the District Attorney's office. The same District Attorney who's in Blaine's pocket? Uh oh... Peyton will have to tread lightly if she wants to come out of this one unscathed.

Skeptical Peyton - iZombie Season 2 Episode 4

If this girl's night is going to make any progress on restoring Peyton and Liv's friendship, then these two girls have got to have a tell-all conversation about zombies, cures, and all the other craziness. From the looks of things, Peyton might not be ready to hear all the dirty details.

Liv and Peyton Reunited! - iZombie Season 2 Episode 4

Now that Peyton is back, it's time for a girl's night with soup, wine, and deep conversation, just like old times! We're glad these two girls seem to be sorting out their problems – or at least trying! But what about Gilda? Has Peyton moved back in, or is Gilda still taking up residence in her old room at Casa Zombie?

iZombie Quotes

Liv: Do you have any open sores in your mouth?
Major: Sexy.

  • Permalink: Sexy.
  • Added:

Oh, the humanity.
