Vaughn Du Clark - iZombie Season 2 Episode 3

Is Vaughn Du Clark learning karate? Now that he's employed Major to be a zombie asssassin for all the people he accidentally infected, it might be a smart idea... After all, you never know when a vengeful zombie might pop out of nowhere, hungry for your brains!

Max Rager - iZombie Season 2 Episode 3

Back at Max Rager headquarters, it looks like Vaughn Du Clark might be having more trouble with his board members. You Veronica Mars fans might recognize this particular board member as Dick Casablancas Sr.! Will he sign on of Vaughn's newest energy drink scheme or shut him down entirely?

Lushy Liv - iZombie Season 2 Episode 3

Forgiveness might not be the first thing on Liv's agenda after she eats this week's batch of brains! A murdered trophy wife presents a new mystery to solve, and Liv develops a fondess for wine and whining – like any good housewife would – which might not mesh well with her mission to reconcile with her best friend.

Guilty Liv - iZombie Season 2 Episode 3

Can Liv ever be forgiven for lying to every single family member and friend about her zombie-ism? We're going to find out when she and Peyton finally come face to face for the first time since her secret has been out. Should Liv have to apologize though? Peyton was the one that took off for months while Liv's brother was dying, after all.

Almost a Smile - iZombie Season 2 Episode 3

After all these months away, is Peyton ready to finally give Liv a chance to explain herself and her secret? Maybe! After all, she doesn't look angry or scared in these photos, but that might just be becuase she's finally reuniting with her pseudo-boyfirend Ravi. She might have to apologize to him for bailing on their romantic getaway weekend though.

Peyton Returns! - iZombie Season 2 Episode 3

After many months (and way too many episodes to be considered normal) Peyton returns to Seattle and Liv's life! You might remember that she sort of freaked and bailed when she found full-on zombie mode Liv standing over a dead assassin's body, prompting her extended leave from the show. Not the best first zombie impression.

Liv Moore - iZombie Season 2 Episode 2

Oh, Liv, always rocking the stylish zombie vibes. Despite her recent falling out with Major, we hope Liv is on board to see him in the morgue more often than not. Now that he and Ravi are working together to develop another cure, they might be running into each other down there.

Searching for the Cure - iZombie Season 2 Episode 2

Now that all traces of the cure exist only in Major and Blaine's bloodstreams, Ravi is pretty tapped out for test subjects. Unless, that is, Major is willing to become a human pin cushion in order to give Ravi more samples. Looks like he's willing! Together, they might just have a chance at finding a way to reinvent this cure!

Ravi - iZombie Season 2 Episode 2

You've got to give it up to Ravi. He's a pretty dedicated Liv/Major shipper. While those two are busy sharing longing looks across the morgue, what do you want to bet Ravi is watching the two of them, just waiting for those two crazy kids to finally work things out?

Longing Liv - iZombie Season 2 Episode 2

Our first peek at a Liv and Major interaction, and Liv looks like she might just cry. Not a good sign! We'd probably cry too if the love took the only hope of a cure for zombie-ism, and the promptly turned his back on you for lying. So tragic. There, there, Liv, hope springs eternal for a reconciliation!

Major in the Morgue - iZombie Season 2 Episode 2

During the few month time jump in the premiere, Major and Liv haven't exactly been close, which is why this run in at the morgue might be a little awkward. You've got to love that smile though! Hopefully Major and Liv and forgive and forget their little zombie/non-zombie situation soon and get back to the sweetness.

Team Zombie - iZombie Season 2 Episode 2

Our crime fighters are on the case, trying to figure out if their party animal victim was murdered or if it was all just a tragic drunken accident. We're leaning towards murder obviously. The real question is, how have we gone an entire season without naming this terrific little trio? We propose Team Zombie.

iZombie Season 2 Quotes

Oh, the humanity.


Liv: Have you noticed that Finale Hope hates me?
Ravi: Her name is New Hope, not Final Hope. You know this. If I wanted to give her a depressing name, I would have gone with Phantom Menace.