Kung Fu Fighting - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 5

Lucifer and Uriel look to be in the middle of a fight? Are they fighting over Chloe or somethng else?

In the Light - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 5

Lucifer looks a little stunned at what he's looking at. Is he getting a glimpse of heaven?

Out of Place - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 5

Uriel looks quite out of place on Earth. What's with that armor? He looks rather ridiculous and quite unsure of where he's at..

Stay Away - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 5

Is Chloe pulling her gun, or is she telling someone to stay away? Maybe Lucifer finally got on her last nerve. Or, maybe Lucifer is finally showing Chloe her true form?!

Another Angel? - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 5

Did Uriel come with another angel to help take care of business? Lucifer and Amenadiel are in lots of trouble if that's the case!

In a Daze - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 5

What will Chloe think when she meets Uriel and sees those arm pieces on him? Will she think he's a kook, or will she start believing what Lucifer is telling her?

Uriel - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 5

Michael Imperioli guest stars as Lucifer and Amendiel's brother, Uriel. God must be pretty mad to send another brother down to take care of the business.

Guardian Angel - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 5

Will Lucifer give it all up for Chloe? When will we find out his connection to her?

Concerned - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 5

Lucifer seems a little concerned about Chloe, which he should be. What will he do if God goes back on his deal?

The Bet - Lucifer

Chloe falls prey to a bet on Lucifer. "Lady Parts" is the fourth episode of the show's second season.

Going Out - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 3

There's no good reason why Charlotte has to stay locked up at the Lux now. Is she planning a night out on the town?

Still Smiling - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 3

Despite all of his troubles, it's nice to see Amenadiel is still smiling. Who can be on the other end of his smile?

Lucifer Season 2 Quotes

Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we're tracking a serial killer.


I worked my way through med school as a phone sex operator. 1-800 Professor Feel Good.

Dr. Martin