Go Back to Hell - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

Charlotte has added a lot to Lucifer since she arrived in L.A., but we think it's time she goes back home where she belongs. Her interference is just too much.

I'm Trying to Eat Here - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

Maze looks pretty intense, and she doesn't seem to care that she's interrupting Dr. Linda's lunch. What could she be talking to her about?

No More, Please! - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

Dr. Linda is doing very well considering everything she's been going through since seeing Lucifer in his true form, especially considering she's got three clients who are supernatural beings.

Nice to See You Again - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

It doesn't look too good that Charlotte is in the interrogation room on the other side of Chloe and not representing a client. Could she be a suspect in the case?

Odd Couple - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

We're glad to see Lucifer is back to his old self. It was fun watching him mimic Dan, but we like Lucifer the way he is. But, they don't seem to be looking too friendly here, do they? Will they be able to continue to work together?

Mommie Dearest - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

Charlotte's jacket really accentuates her pretty blue eyes. But, behind those eyes something evil is going on. Chloe better watch her back!

Dan's Little Secret - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

Dan is not going to be happy at all when he finds out there might be something going on between Lucifer and Chloe, but what will he do? On that thought, what's going to happen when Lucifer finds out what happened between him and Charlotte, because we know that has to be revealed soon!

Ms. Badass - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

No matter what Maze is wearing, she always looks good. Being Chloe's roommate is doing her good, because while she's still Ms. Badass, she's a more controlled badass, and those are the best types of badasses there are!

You Know It - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

What snappy thing is Maze telling Chloe right now? Could she be telling Chloe to get on the stick and go after Lucifer?

Cuteness Squared - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

Every moment of screen time Trixie gets is fine by us. The more the better, we say! Her little heart top is adorable, we're loving the braids!

Happy Days - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 11

We love seeing these three girls together. What could Maze possibly be smiling about? Does she know the truth about Chloe yet?

Let Me Tell You a Secret - Lucifer Season 2 Episode 10

It didn't take long for Lucifer to take over the courtroom. Is that really any surprise? We bet Charlotte isn't too happy about that.

Lucifer Season 2 Quotes

Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we're tracking a serial killer.


I worked my way through med school as a phone sex operator. 1-800 Professor Feel Good.

Dr. Martin