Game Night

What happens when Phil and Claire try to stay away from electrical devices? A night of family games!
Rating: Unrated

Cameron and Mitchell

Cam and Mitchell are seen here on the episode "Our Children, Ourselves." It originally airs on 1/12/11.
Rating: Unrated

As Pepper

Nathan Lane is seen here on Modern Family. He plays Cam and Mitchell's pal, Pepper.
Rating: Unrated

Careful, Jay

Would Jay make a solid guardian for Lily in case of disaster? Not based on this scene.
Rating: Unrated

Jay and Gloria with Donny at Theater

Jay and Gloria attend the show with Jay's brother Donny. Mischief ensues.
Rating: Unrated

Jay and Phil Cook

Jay and Phil stay home to cook a nice Mother's Day meal together. That should go well.
Rating: Unrated

Gloria and Claire Hike

Gloria and Claire want to spend their Mother's Day by hiking together. Should go off without a hitch, right?
Rating: Unrated

Sick Cameron

Poor Cameron. He's sick in this scene from Modern Family. On the night of a Lady Gaga concert!
Rating: Unrated

Look Out, Lily!

Cameron is not happy about Mitchell's actions in this scene. Lily likely isn't thrilled, either.
Rating: Unrated

David Cross on Modern Family

David Cross is seen here as Councilman Duane Bailey. Will Claire actually run against him?
Rating: Unrated

Jay Down!

He's hurt! He's hurt! Jay's back gives out in this scene from Modern Family.
Rating: Unrated

Josh Gad on Modern Family

Josh Gad stops by this week on Modern Family. He plays a former neighborhood kid turned billionaire.
Rating: Unrated

Modern Family Quotes

Yes, I've gained a few extra pounds while we were expecting the baby... but that's science. You can't fight it.


If Haley got pregnant, would you ever pretend she got mono for a few months and then tell everyone the baby's yours?
