The Pritchetts

The Pritchetts run into problems on their way to Hawaii. Jay doesn't seem happy about what's happening to his family.

Fortunate Phil

Phil is a very lucky man. Someone else at the airport seems to recognize this during the episode "Airport."

Airport Scene

It's off to Hawaii for the entire Modern Family on 5/5/10. First, though, they must get through the airport.

Gloria, in Trouble

Uh-oh. Gloria runs into some security problems at the airport as she tried to board a plane for Hawaii.

Cameron and Lily Photo

Cameron and Lily are on their way to Hawaii, along with the entire clan. But first this father, daughter and everyone else must actually get through the airport.

All the Dunphys

It's like Fred Willard was made to play Phil's father on Modern Family. He fits into this cast perfectly.

Play It, Cam!

Yes, that really is Cameron. He fills in for Dylan's band's drummer on Modern Family's 4/28/10 episode.

Friendly Fight

Claire and Glorida fight here over Lilly. But only because they love her, and feel scorned by their children.

Bad Coach!

Phil and Jay both had issues with their kids' basketball coach on "Benched." Then, they had issues with each other.

Bball Coaching

Jay as a basketball coach? Call us crazy, but he lacks the patient for that job.

The iPad Line

Mitchell ends up getting into a fight when coming to meet up with Claire at the line to buy an iPad.

Cameron and Gloria

With their men gone, Cameron and Gloria head out together for a night on the town.

Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
