Drew Crew's Last Stand - Nancy Drew

The Drew Crew is back for one last battle with supernatural forces.

Complicated Couples - Tall - Euphoria

Whether it's a struggle in their romantic lives or not speaking their truths, TV romances are a roller coaster ride.

Complicated Couples - Wide - Euphoria

Whether it's a struggle in their romantic lives or not speaking their truths, TV romances are a roller coaster ride.

A Star-Crossed Choice - Nancy Drew

A star-crossed choice could change everything on Nancy Drew. "The Ransom of the Forsaken Soul" is the 13th episode of the show's third season.

Searching For a Missing Person - Nancy Drew

Nancy searches for a missing person on Nancy Drew. "The Witch Tree Symbol" is the 12th episode of the show's third season.

Serving On a Jury - Nancy Drew

Nick serves on a jury on Nancy Drew. "The Spellbound Juror" is the 11th episode of the show's third season.

A Truth-Inducing Ritual - Nancy Drew

A truth-inducing ritual causes emotional confessions on Nancy Drew. "The Confession Of The Long Night" is the tenth episode of the show's third season.

Facing Obstacles - Nancy Drew

Obstacles prevent Ace from working with Nancy on Nancy Drew. "The Voices In The Frost" is the ninth episode of the show's third season.

Preying on People's Sorrows - Nancy Drew

A supernatural entity preys on people's sorrows on Nancy Drew. "The Burning of the Sorrows" is the eighth episode of the show's third season.

Bess on Nancy Drew Season 1

Bess appears on Nancy Drew, played by Maddison Jaizani.

A Mythical Substance - Nancy Drew

Carson and Ryan are affected by a mystical substance that prompts a temporary return to the lowered inhibitions of adolescence on Nancy Drew. "The Gambit of the Tangled Souls" is the seventh episode of the show's third season.

Curing George - Nancy Drew

A new clue could lead to a way to cure George on Nancy Drew. "The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter" is the sixth episode of the show's third season.

Nancy Drew Quotes

Nancy: Nick and I are seeing each other. He seems to have an issue with me not acknowledging this publicly and has decided now is the time to rectify this.
Nick: Consider it rectified. I feel much better.

Carson: I've just been buried at work.
Nancy: Poor word choice, given recent events.