McGee Is Offered a Job - NCIS

McGee visits an elite technology company in Silicon Valley that is offering him a highly paid position on NCIS. "Judge, Jury..." is the 21st episode of the show's 16th season.
Rating: Unrated

Vigilante Justice - NCIS

The team must stop a network funding vigilante justice on NCIS. "...and Executioner" is the 22nd episode of the show's 16th season.
Rating: Unrated

Gibbs Needs Advice - NCIS

Gibbs turns to Doctor Grace Confalone for help on NCIS. "Lost Time" is the 23rd episode of the show's 16th season.
Rating: Unrated

Gibbs in Court - NCIS Season 16 Episode 21

Gibbs is not about to let a serial killer escape justice, so he sets out to find a new plan to take him down.
Rating: Unrated

McGee's New Job? - NCIS Season 16 Episode 21

McGee heads to Silicon Valley, but is he ready to leave the NCIS behind and take on a wild new job?
Rating: Unrated

Two Scorned Fathers - NCIS Season 16 Episode 21

Gibbs realizes that he and the victim's father have a lot in common, but will it help in the case?
Rating: Unrated

Working Together - NCIS Season 16 Episode 22

Gibbs and McGee have to find a way to prove one of them is not working with anyone associated with the mysterious bank account.
Rating: Unrated

In an Open Area - NCIS Season 16 Episode 22

Torres and Bishop ambush Deakin in an open space, but what does he want to make them believe about Gibbs?
Rating: Unrated

Bishop Investigates - NCIS Season 16 Episode 22

Bishop tries to find out more about her boss after some more details about his past come to light.
Rating: Unrated

Someone Isn't Having a Good Day - NCIS Season 16 Episode 22

After NCIS finds a secret government bank account that's funding a nationwide network of vigilante justice, the team must determine who is acting as judge and jury, on NCIS
Rating: Unrated

Dive Bar Drama - NCIS Season 16 Episode 23

Gibbs is not ready to return to his team after telling them all about the murder he committed in the past.
Rating: Unrated

Time for Answers - NCIS Season 16 Episode 23

Torres and Bishop try their best to find out the truth about what is going on with Gibbs. Is it too late?
Rating: Unrated

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?