Helen is Worried Again - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 20

Helen may not be Max's doctor anymore, but it doesn't stop her from being worried about when he behaves erratically at work.

Helen and Kapoor Round II - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 20

Helen and Kapoor have a fun relationship, and it's nice when the two of them get to share the screen again.

Iggy Investigated - New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 20

A social worker files to have Iggy investigated when she doesn't like how he handles a case with his young patient Avi.

Floy's Fed Up - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 20

While reviewing the death of a patient, Max takes it upon himself to lambast Floyd in front of everyone and question his judgment and Floyd gets fed up.

Hurricane Max - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 20

Max does not go easy on Floyd when he reviews the case of the police officer who died on Floyd's table on New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 20.

Max Loses His Hair

Max's hair is falling out due to the chemotherapy which he later finds out is not working as well as they hoped it would.

A New Way - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 20

Max's treatment is not working as well as they have hoped, and he considers a new path to battle his cancer.

Wrongful Death? - New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 20

Max takes the rest of the review board to the autopsy room to determine if Floyd's patient's death was preventable.

A New Way - New Amsterdam

Max must handle his diagnosis in a new way on New Amsterdam. "Preventable" is the 20th episode of the show's first season.

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 20 Quotes

Evie: There was a police officer that died on your table under your knife. You know that they're going to be looking for someone to blame. I hate to say it, but it sure feels like Max is trying to make sure that person is you.
Max: Dr. Reynolds, are you actually ready?

No one is ruining your life, Avi. I don't think anyone has that power.
