Sibling Bickering - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Kapoor and Helen work together on the case of two women where one of them has to donate an organ to her sister.

Give me Five! - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Floyd and Kapoor give each other high-fives and Kapoor explains sibling relationships and their complexity to Helen.

Iggy's Error - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Iggy is making a huge choice about his life and his family without his husband's input, and it's bound to backfire.

Helen Helps - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Helen wants nothing more but to help Max with taking care of Luna and life in general, but he won't let her in.

Chante - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Chante (Gigi Cunningham) is a young patient with Down Syndrome who has to make a choice about her pregnancy.

Kapoor's clipboard - tall - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Kapoor is busy checking some things off on his clipboard when he and Helen work on a medical case together.

Consulting a Patient - Tall - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Lauren is having a busy day in the ER and it's just how she likes it. She speaks to a young patient who has a huge decision to make.

Kapoor treats a farmer - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Kapoor treats a farmer when a group of women from Alabama is brought into a hospital after a car accident.

A Procedure - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Bloom helps Chante prepare for her procedure to terminate a baby she didn't want or plan for on New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6.

Controversial Choice - New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6

Iggy's patient Chante (Gigi Cunningham) makes a controversial decision about her body that her aunt may not agree with.

Working Together - New Amsterdam

Sharpe and Kapoor work together to mend fences between two feuding sisters on New Amsterdam. "Righteous Right Hand" is the sixth episode of the show's second season.

New Amsterdam Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Shante: You're crazy.
Iggy: You're not the first person to tell me that.

This is not wet 'n wild hair.
