Regina's on Standby - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

The formerly Evil Queen is ready to stand with Team Hero at a moment's notice. But will her mix of light and dark magic be any match for the Black Fairy's powers?

A Willing Hostage? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Gideon's used powerful magic in the past. Powerful enough to stop the Dark One in his tracks. So we can't help thinking that maybe he doesn't mind being trapped with his parents.

Stronger Together - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

It warms our hearts to see Belle and Rumple on the same page. They've been through so much. Will they be able to stop the Black Fairy and reclaim their son?

At a Loss - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Rumple's used to being the most powerful many in any room thanks to his years as the Dark One. But we've seen him sacrifice himself for his family before. Will he do it again?

Listening to Reason? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

We know the Black Fairy's controlling Gideon's heart. But he's managed not to fall completely under her spell. Will his parents be able to convince to work against her?

A Mother's Fear - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Belle missed out on seeing her son grow up because she wanted to protect him. Now that it's backfired, she's doing everything she can to make sure that he stays safe.

Can She Trust Him? - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

We wouldn't blame Belle for being skeptical. Rumple's let her down more than once in the past. But he knows his mother better than anyone. He's the key to stopping her.

Desperate Times - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

As the final battle looms, Rumple and Belle will stop at nothing to save their son. After years of being on the wrong side, could this be Rumple's true redemption?

True Love - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

The Black Fairy may have raised him, but no one could ever love Gideon as much as Belle. She's determined to break through to her son.

Drink This - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

While it's not usually a good sign to see Rumple holding any kind of potion, we know he wouldn't hurt Gideon. Perhaps he's found a magical way to stop his mother.

A Mother's Love - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Belle's love has saved Gideon in the past. No matter what the Black Fairy does, she can't erase Belle's influence. We're hoping this might be a turning point for the family.

Gideon Breaks Down - Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 19

Rumple and Belle will do anything to save their son. Even if that means tying him to a chair! But why is he in pain? Could it be his grandmother's doing?

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Quotes

I like the red leather jacket.


Jafar: That's why you never, ever hear these words about a Savior: 'They lived happily ever after.'