Strong Feelings - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 9

Aunt Violet has some strong feelings about Blue's future on Queen Sugar. "In Summer Time To Simply Be" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

Ralph Angel Is Proud - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 9

Ralph Angel is proud of his son on Queen Sugar. "In Summer Time To Simply Be" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

Blue Has News - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 9

Blue has exciting news he wants to share with the family on Queen Sugar. "In Summer Time To Simply Be" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

Talking Sense - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 9

Hollywood tries to talk some sense into Violet on Queen Sugar. "In Summer Time To Simply Be" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

An Important Phone Call - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 9

Nova takes an important phone call on Queen Sugar. "In Summer Time To Simply Be" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

Charley Is Surprised - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 9

Charley is surprised by Davis on Queen Sugar. "In Summer Time To Simply Be" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

Davis Cooks - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 9

Davis cooks for Charley on Queen Sugar. "In Summer Time To Simply Be" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

A Family Decision - Queen Sugar

Ralph Angel and Darla make a decision about Blue's future on Queen Sugar. "In Summer Time To Simply Be" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

Coming to an Agreement - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 8

Darla and Ralph Angel come to an agreement about Blue on Queen Sugar. "June 3, 2020" is the eighth episode of the show's fifth season.

Nova Looks Nervous - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 8

Nova looks nervous as she broaches the subject of a future with Calvin on Queen Sugar. "June 3, 2020" is the eighth episode of the show's fifth season.

Calvin Wants a Commitment - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 8

Calvin wants some kind of commitment from Nova on Queen Sugar. "June 3, 2020" is the eighth episode of the show's fifth season.

Violet Is Adamant - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 8

Violet is adamant that Blue won't be sent away to school on Queen Sugar. "June 3, 2020" is the eighth episode of the show's fifth season.

Queen Sugar Quotes

The players who got caught with the girl are just kids, coming straight out of high school. No home training, no life skills. We hand them millions of dollars and then say good luck. They marry riffraff. They live wild, now they're messing up our livelihood.


Nova: Be good.
Calvin: I won't tell you the same.
Nova: You know better.