Ratched Pays a Visit Season 1 Episode 2

Ratched pays a visit to someone, and a wild plan gets underway.

Disgusting Missions - Ratched Season 1 Episode 2

A mission with Hanover leads to devastating results.

Gwendolyn Smiles - Ratched Season 1 Episode 2

Gwendolyn embarks on a mission with Nurse Ratched, but what does it mean?

Nurse Bucket Complains - Ratched Season 1 Episode 2

Nurse Bucket complains about her decisions to a friend.

Gwendolyn on Ratched

Looking out into the open, Gwendolyn is shocked by what she sees.

Ratched Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Dolly: Is it to house the patients?
Bucket: No, it's to house the patients with animals.

No one cares why you are here. You forgot your lines, so what?
