Olivia Drinks Alone - Scandal Season 5 Episode 4

Her reputation in ruins, Olivia Pope chose Fitzgerald Grant by allowing Abby to throw her under the bus. Now she drinks alone in her apartment while the world casts aspersions on her character and crucifies her in the media.

An Open Window - Scandal Season 5 Episode 4

Given the number of paparazzi and reporters who want to catch a glimpse of Olivia Pope, it doesn't seem wise for her to stand in front of her window and stare out on Washington.

Olivia Pope - Scandal Season 5 Episode 4

Olivia sits alone in her apartment on Scandal Season 5 Episode 4. Now that the world knows she's the President's mistress her life will be a three ring circus.

Inquisitive Quinn - Scandal Season 5 Episode 4

Quinn Perkins looks pretty curious in this still from Scandal Season 5 Episode 4. Does she know about Jake's visit with Rowan Pope and the code phrase "Paris is burning"?

Mellie and the Media - Scandal Season 5 Episode 4

Mellie Grant handles the media's barrage of questions following the reveal that her husband has, in fact, been having an affair with Olivia Pope. Will she artfully manage their intrusive interrogations? Most likely. This is Mellie we're talking about, and she has Cyrus on her side.

Cyrus and the Circus - Scandal Season 5 Episode 4

Cyrus helps Mellie navigate a media circus following her decision not to take Fitz back. Together they plan to make her the next President Grant without the help of her estranged husband.

Cyrus at the Mic - Scandal Season 5 Episode 4

Cyrus is surrounded by microphones in this scene from Scandal. That can't bode too well for Olivia.

Scandal Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Quinn: Olivia Pope and Associates needs a mouthpiece. You're good with the press. You won't just be some corporate spinner. You'll be one of us. Look, the job is yours if you want it. It's the best job you'll ever have. You will change lives. You will slay dragons. You will love the hunt more than you ever have. I am not crazy. I'm a gladiator in a suit. That's what you are when you work at OPA. You're a gladiator in a suit. Do you want to be a gladiator in a suit?
Marcus: No.

Quinn: You're broke, Marcus. You're unemployed because you screwed the mayor's wife. You're damaged goods, but you're charming and attractive and you can drive a narrative. Plus, you know, stray dogs...
Marcus: Okay, now I see. You're crazy. You one of those crazy chicks?
Quinn: I'm offering you a job.