The Caste System Pic

Miranda and Steve get into an argument over money and social status, both of which she has more of.
Rating: Unrated

Evolution Picture

Charlotte starts dating a pastry chef that she thought was gay.
Rating: Unrated

Games People Play Pic

Carrie starts going to therapy to try and get over her obsession over Mr. Big.
Rating: Unrated

Carrie and Vaughn

Carrie starts dating a writer, Vaughn, and can't handle his very open family.
Rating: Unrated

Where There's Smoke Pic

Carrie meets a politician at a NYFD calendar charity event but is reluctant to date him.
Rating: Unrated

Politcally Erect Pic

Turns out Carrie's politician beau is a bit of a perv in "Politically Erect."
Rating: Unrated

Attack of the Five-Foot-Ten Picture

A picture of Carrie from the Sex and the City season three episode, "Attack of the Five-Foot-Ten Woman."
Rating: Unrated

Carrie and Miranda Pic

Carrie enjoys a cupcake, but not a cigarette, when she sits down with Miranda.
Rating: Unrated

Are We Sluts Picture

Miranda learns that she has chlamydia and needs to contact all her previous partners in "Are We Sluts?"
Rating: Unrated

The Big Time Pic

Mr. Big can't help but come back into Carrie's life when he confesses he can't stop thinking about her.
Rating: Unrated

Easy Come, Easy Go Pic

Talk about awkward when Aiden and Carrie run into Big and his wife during "Easy Come, Easy Go."
Rating: Unrated

All or Nothing Pic

Carrie starts to feel guilty about her affair with Big in "All or Nothing."
Rating: Unrated