Injured Solotov

Solotov is injured after finally having a run-in with Bob Lee.

The Unit Is a Target - Shooter

Bob Lee tries to figure out why is Unit is Solotov's target on Shooter. "The Man Called Noon" is the fifth episode of the show's second season.

Target Practice - Shooter

Julie Swagger works on her shooting skills on Shooter. "The Dark End of the Street" is the fourth episode of the show's second season.

Sneaky Solotov

Solotov let's Waheed believe he's in charge, when really he's planning on going rogue.


Isaac and Bob Lee realize Meacham was behind the drugs and their raid.

Blast from the Past

Bob Lee comes face to face with someone from his past. He's one of the people responsible for killing members of Bob Lee's unit.

R.I.P. Lin

Isaac's wife is a casualty when they attempt to flee Thailand.

Isaac Johnson - Shooter

Bob Lee tracks down Isaac Johnson in Texas on Shooter. "Don't Mess With Texas" is the third episode of the show's second season.

Swagger Love

Bob Lee and Julie have a rock solid marriage despite everything.

Under Attack

Someone is after Isaac and it hit a little too close to home.

Explosive Event

A explosion rocks an event and puts Bob Lee in the middle of a new conspiracy.

Someone is Watching

Bob Lee feels someone watching him as he leaves his friends.

Shooter Quotes

Bob Lee: We don't need night vision, we're Marines.
Mary: Semper fi!
Bob Lee: Semper fi.

Hunter: That wolf is ours!
Bob Lee: She might have a different opinion