Tookie Goes to Hoffman - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 17

It looks like Tookie is going to Hoffman for help. What kind of legal trouble has he found himself in?

Perp Walk - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 17

Hoffman always manages to get his man. The can't be said about him getting the woman that he desires.

Kara - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 17

In a group as fantastic as the cast of Stumptown, Kara has been quietly hanging out in the background. Is it her time to shine?

Tookie Crying - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 17

Tookie usually is such a happy guy, so seeing him cry is heartbreaking. Who managed to bring our favorite chef down?

A Possible Cover-Up - Stumptown

Dex looks for information about a possible cover-up on Stumptown. "The Dex Files" is the 17th episode of the show's first season.

A Moral Dilemma - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 16

When Dex's Commander asks her to do something that she feels is morally wrong, Dex is left with a dilemma.

Interrogation - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 16

Was Dex an expert interrogator during her time in Afghanistan?

Does Dex Disagree? - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 16

Dex does not seem to be on the same page as this man.

Loved Ones - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 16

Are these the woman's loved ones? Are they using them against her?

A Threat? - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 16

This woman doesn't look like much of a threat. Is there more than meets the eye?

The Bystander - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 16

Dex just stands by while this woman gets taken away.

A Difficult Conversation - Stumptown Season 1 Episode 16

It must not be easy for Dex to talk about Benny's death.

Stumptown Season 1 Quotes

Ansel: I wanted to see how much you lost.
Dex: Punk.

  • Permalink: Punk.
  • Added:

Dex: Well you know what they say in Pashto, he who spreads his own goat dung is bound to step in it.
Guy: Pash-
Dex: To. Yeah, it’s what they speak in the stan.
Guy: Yeah.
Dex: Yeah anyone who actually served there would know that. Your dog tags don’t match the name on your credit card and nothing about your car keys says rental, so I’m guessing you’re not in from out of town either. I know you asked if I was from around here figuring we could go back to my place probably ‘cause there’s a woman back at yours.
Guy: Uh.
Dex: Hesitation, it’s when your body says yes before your mouth can say no, i.e., until you get your lies straight. I’m pretty sure only one of us is getting lucky tonight.