Go Into the Light

What's behind the door? It looks a lot like a scene of Aliens landing, but that'd doubtful. Place your bets while your enjoy this photo from "Stairway to Heaven."
Rating: Unrated

Disco Lights or Heaven?

What kind of light is Castiel basking in? The heavenly kind or the type from a disco ball? It's hard to tell in this photo from "Stairway to Heaven."
Rating: Unrated

Clap Clap Clap

So Metatron's not all business after all, as we can see from this photo from "Stairway to Heaven."
Rating: Unrated

Interrogating Tessa

It appears as if Tessa will be answering some questions as shown in this photo from "Stairway to Heaven."
Rating: Unrated

Don't Fear the Reaper

Tessa the reaper is back when Lindsay McKeon guest stars as shown in this photo from "Stairway to Heaven."
Rating: Unrated

Sam and Castiel Search

Sam and Castiel are using flashlights to aid their search in this photo from "Stairway to Heaven."
Rating: Unrated

Bowling with Metatron

Do you think Metatron will actually pick up a ball or only pick on the other players in the alley as shown in this photo from "Stairway to Heaven."
Rating: Unrated

Metatron's Back!

Metatron's back and it looks like he's all business in this photo from "Stairway to Heaven."
Rating: Unrated

Angels Attack!

Castiel is under attack by assassin angels in "King of the Damned."
Rating: Unrated

This Looks Like a Nice Place

Sam and Dean get out of the car and take a look around in "King of the Damned."
Rating: Unrated

Are We Going to Interrogate an Angel?

Sam and Dean listen to Cas. He has asked for their help interrogating a captured angel in "King of the Damned."
Rating: Unrated

Stay Out of My Personal Space

Is Gavin going in for a hug? Not if Crowley has anything to say about it in "King of the Damned."
Rating: Unrated

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
