Sam Hunting - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 15

Sam looks like he has a new friend while on the hunt. But who (or what) is he hunting?
Rating: Unrated

Back in Form - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

This is the Sammy we know. No suit, no tight sweater (boo).
Rating: Unrated

Don't Look Now - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 15

Umm, you better turn around. There's a scary looking guy creeping up behind.
Rating: Unrated

What The??? - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Are they looking at the script, a photo? What is it?!
Rating: Unrated

Bad Guy - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 15

There is something up with this guy. He definitely doesn't look like he wants to help out Sam and Dean.
Rating: Unrated

Sam Listens - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 15

Sam is listening to her story. But is she talking about some creepy supernatural thing or asking him out on a date?
Rating: Unrated

Dean on the Phone - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 15

Dean just got an important call. Or perhaps he's ordering up a pizza.
Rating: Unrated

Getting the Scoop - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

These two girls seem to be the students with the answers.
Rating: Unrated

It's Not Funny Anymore - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Dean no longer looks amused. What's going on here?
Rating: Unrated

The Gang's All Here! - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Can you spot all of the usual suspects cavorting with Sam and Dean?
Rating: Unrated

Hesitant Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 15

Dean is about to shock Cole. Though it seems there's a bit of hesitation.
Rating: Unrated

Fictional Sam and Dean - Supernatural Season 10 Episode 5

Alright - this is going to be hilarious. Right? It could go either way.
Rating: Unrated

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
