Bartholomew Smiles

Bartholomew smiles at Castiel, but it seems a little condescending in the upcoming episode of Supernatural titled "Captives."

Castiel's Angel Eye

Castiel gives Bartholomew the Angel Eye during a discussion after he is captured in "Captives."

Bartholomew Takes an Item

Someone hands an interesting looking item to Bartholomew as Castiel looks on in "Captive," Season 9 Episode 14.

Sam as a Trainer

Don't you all wish Sam could be your trainer? He's undercover here at a spa.

The Purge Scene

Pictured in this scene from Supernatural Season 9: Briana Buckmaster as Sheriff Donna Hanscum and Corey Sevier as Larry.

Sam on the Line

Hello? Sam takes a call in this Supernatural scene, from the episode "The Purge."

Brothers Undercover

The brothers are undercover in this scene from Supernatural. They are investigating a spa.

Dean as a Chef

Dean may wanna stick to hunting. He isn't exactly pulling off the chef look in this Supernatural scene.

Pushing Himself Up

Sam does a push up in this scene from Supernatural. Why do we have a feeling that he could do quite a few of these?

Sam at a Spa

Come on, people! Work it out! Sam takes charge in this scene from Supernatural.

Strong Sam

Sam is undercover in this Supernatural scene. He's at a spa because... you're just staring at his arm, aren't you? We understand.

Dean in a Hairnet

He's a look we never thought we'd see on Dean. The hunter is totally rocking a hairnet.

Supernatural Quotes

Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is going to sell like hotcakes.


Dean: Do I know you?
Becky: No, but I know you.