Julian Richings as Death

Julian Richings is always a hoot as Death. This is a photo of him from the premiere episode "Meet the New Boss."

Sam and Bobby

Sam and Bobby have good reason to worry. There's a new Castiel on season seven of Supernatural.

Castiel vs. Death

It's Castiel. It's death. It's a photo from the season seven premiere of Supernatural.

Supernatural Season 6 DVD

Supernatural Season six will come out on DVD soon before season seven hits the air. How much would you pay to take these two stars home?

As Castiel

Misha Collins will not return as a series regular to Supernatural. He has portrayed Castiel for years on that show.

The Supernatural Trio

Pictured here during a scene from the season finale: Jim Beaver as Bobby, Jensen Ackles as Dean, Jared Padalecki as Sam.

Lisa vs. Dean

Lisa grabs a hold of Dean in this photo. It's from the Supernatural season finale.

Hell or High Water

Come hell or high water, this week's Supernatural is going to be an event not to be missed.

The Winchester Bros

Dean and Sam on Supernatural. Who's hotter?

Supernatural Pow-Wow

Castiel, Bobby, Sam and Dean plot out their next move in the April 29, 2011 episode of Supernatural.

Sam, Dean, Tattoos

Sam and Dean show off some serious ink on Supernatural. HOT!

Supernatural: Old West Style

The Supernatural tandem goes Western. Bet you didn't see that coming!

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
