Lucifer is looking a little rough - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 7

Lucifer's vessel is looking a little rough around the edges. Probably because of Rowena. He better get a cure or some makeup quick.

Just close your eyes - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 7

Is that a Lucifer fan or a Vince Vincente fan next to Lucifer? And why are they closing their eyes. Hoping that the vessel will look different when they open them?

Putting candles on the table - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 7

These cloaked guys look to be up to no good. They wouldn't be summoning Lucifer, would they?

Sam and Dean are not Vince fans - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 7

The brothers are not fist pumping to Lucifer's latest gig. It looks like the two are trying to figure out how to crash the stage and take down one of their biggest foes.

Mary is pissed off - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 6

It looks like Mary was also tossed around, but she does not look happy about it. She’s for sure going to get right back up and take down her latest foe. It’s the Winchester way, of course.

Tossed around - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 6

Sam is making a mess… or whatever threw him caused the place to look in disarray. Has the younger Winchester met his match on this latest case?

A family hug - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 6

Mary looks like she’s ready to attack, and Sam looks like he’s trying to stop her. Are they fighting an angel? There is that blade in her hands. It’s definitely something supernatural.

A glow on Mary - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 6

This candle-lit room certainly gives Mary a great glow. And she looks like a bad ass prepped for whatever supernatural thing is going to get in her way. Or she’s just wondering where the light switch is.

Fresh faces - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 6

What’s with these guys? Aren’t these the same people that attended the funeral? They look like they are ready to fight Sam and Dean. Maybe they are possessed?

Sam and Dean are in shock - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 6

Sam and Dean look like they’ve just seen a ghost. What’s got them so spooked. Did they maybe just see the giant moose head on the wall behind them?

Billie is eyeing up Dean - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 6

Billie looks super focused. But shouldn’t she be attending to the souls of the dead hunters from that funeral? Why is she looking at Dean like he’s a pie she wants a piece of?

Dean being watched - Supernatural Season 12 Episode 6

Dean looks concerned… and he should be. Billie is behind him! Has she come for him? His time hopefully hasn’t come yet.

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
