Getting Close - The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15

Red gets the name of the inventor of the tracker from Liz's body but he's not to be found.

Seeking Answers - The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15

Aram and Weecha hope that questioning Harold's blackmailer will lead to answers.

Busy Senator - The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15

Busy Panabaker finds herself having to oversee the hunt for the man who has been blackmailing Harold.

Hurt Aram - The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15

Aram refuses to support the rest of the team's suspicions about Harold.

Suspicious Ressler - The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15

Ressler and the Task Force have to make sense of Harold's recent actions concerning Kennison.

Bringing in Suspect - The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15

Dembe and Ressler bring in the man suspected of being Harold's blackmailer.

Helping Harold - The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15

Once the truth comes out, Ressler is determined to help Harold get out of the mess into which he had gotten.

Frustrated Leader - The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15

Harold informs Panabaker about the extent of his private investigation.

Cooper's Search -- Tall - The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15

Harold's efforts to stave off his blackmailer come back to bite him.

Cooper's Search - The Blacklist

Cooper's search for his blackmailer overlaps with the Task Force's latest case on The Blacklist. "Andrew Kennison" is the 15th episode of the show's ninth season.

The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 15 Quotes

Harold: Our conversation was consumed by confusion, anger, fear.
Lew: His or yours?
Harold: Both. This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

Marcus: Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?
Red: I should clarify. I'm not taking questions.