Ready to Flash? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

It's not often we see Barry idling in his Flash costume. This might have something to do with Tracy being in the lab. How long until she's let in on his not-so-secret identity?

Exchanging Glances - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Barry and Wally have come a long way as teammates since Wally first donned the costume. Now all they have to do is look at each other to know what the other is thinking.

Joe and His Superhero Sons - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Waiting around is the hardest part for anyone. Barry and Wally are both suited up. Are they on a mission with Joe working on a new case? Or have they found a way to save Iris?

Demonstration Time - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

We know Tracy eventually comes up with the solution to trap Savitar in the Speed Force. But we also know he finds a way out. Could she be preparing a more permanent solution?

H.R. Likes Science - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Is H.R. finally embracing the Harrison Wells roots? Is he ready to learn physics? We're thinking the more likely scenario is he wants to get to know Tracy better. #Traison? #Brells?

Father Daughter Moments - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Joe's not going to let anything happen to his daughter. But how does he stop a version of his son from killing her? That's a pretty complicated family dynamic.

Lost in Thought - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Poor Iris. For months, she's been grappling with the fact that her number might be up in May. Now she knows the person out to get her is Barry. We can't blame her for looking a little sad.

WestAllen's Awkward Chat - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Now that Barry knows he's the one trying to kill Iris, there might be some extra tension in their relationship. Of course we still don't know why Future Barry's hellbent on murdering his true love.

Killer Frost Targets Tracy - The Flash Season 3 Episode 20

Savitar sends Caitlin on a mission to stop her friends. How far will she go to prove herself worthy of being a villain?

Better Safe than Sorry - The Flash Season 3 Episode 20

We know H.R. loves his props. But what's with the fire extinguisher? Maybe he's learned his lesson being at STAR Labs. It's probably not a bad idea to have one within easy reach at all times.

Package Deal - The Flash Season 3 Episode 20

Barry and Cisco have had their ups and downs ever since the Flashpoint debacle. But after Barry's trip to the future, he understands better than ever how much he needs his friends. And how much they need him.

Please Help - The Flash Season 3 Episode 20

Barry will do anything to save Iris. Including plead with a stranger, who he knows holds the key to trapping Savitar in the Speed Force. But will they be able to do it before the future becomes reality?

The Flash Season 3 Quotes

So, what should we call this brave new world you whipped up for us? I was thinking...Flashpoint.

Eobard Thawne

Barry: We actually went to elementary school together. PS 23?
Iris: Oh! That's right. I remember. Gary!