Nora Faces Consequences - The Flash Season 5 Episode 18

Nora faces the consequences of lying about Thawne by spending time in a dampener cell.

Iris Gives Nora A Chance - The Flash Season 5 Episode 18

Iris decides to give Nora a chance to explain her side of the story.

Iris: Concerned Mother - The Flash Season 5 Episode 18

Barry may be mad, but Iris wants an explanation from her daughter.

Nora In A Cage - The Flash Season 5 Episode 18

Barry throws Nora in a Dampener Cell after it's revealed she's been working with Thawne. Iris disagrees with Barry's decision.

Nora From The Future - The Flash Season 5 Episode 18

We travel to Nora's timeline to see what caused her to start working with Thawne.

Eobard Reveals Himself - The Flash Season 5 Episode 18

It's revealed that Nora and Thane have been working together in the future.

Thawne And Allen Meet Again - The Flash Season 5 Episode 18

Eobard and Barry once again come face to face when Barry travels to the future and confronts him.

Barry and Thawne - The Flash Season 5 Episode 18

Barry travels to the future and comes face to face with his old nemesis Thawne.

Can Nora Be Trusted - The Flash

The team questions whether they can trust Nora on The Flash. "Godspeed" is the 18th episode of the show's fifth season.

Iris: A Disappointed Mother - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Iris is a disappointed mother when Nora spills her secrets in the new episode of The Flash.

Team Flash Reacts - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Team Flash reacts to Nora spilling her guts about the future.

Barry and Iris Betrayed - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Barry and Iris feel betrayed by their daughters secrets.

The Flash Season 5 Quotes

Iris: Whatever the future brings we’re gonna deal with it when it gets here, and change it if we need to.
Cisco: She’s right. If there’s anything Team Flash is good at, it’s handing the future it’s own ass and then some
Caitlin: What he said.

Barry: Nora wait what are you doing?! You can't touch that, you'll contaminate the evidence!
Nora: Sorry, you mean you don't have a scene wide modified bi-sonic frequency field to avoid cross contamination?
Barry: I don't even think we have some of those WORDS yet!