Team Flash Hears The Truth - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Team Flash takes in the truth of what Nora's been hiding all along.

Team Flash Looking Shocked - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Team Flash cannot get past the shock of Nora's truth and Grace as Cicada.

Team Flash Too Little Too Late - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Team Flash takes in the aftermath of the new Cicada after arriving too late to the scene.

Joe and Cecile Make A Plan - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Joe and Cecile make a plan of action while working as a team.

XS In Peril - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

XS is in peril when she doesn't know how to fix her mistakes.

Flash and XS Take It All In - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Flash and XS can't quite believe what they are seeing.

XS Fights Back - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

XS is suited up and ready to fight back against the new Cicada.

Flash and XS Suit Up - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Flash and XS suit up as the team hunts down the new Cicada.

Like Uncle Like Neice - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Grace looking eerily similar to her uncle in the Cicada suit.

New Cicada Up Close - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

An up close and personal look at the new female Cicada.

Nora and Barry Shocked - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

Nora and Barry are shocked at what they discover.

West Allens Track Cicada - The Flash Season 5 Episode 17

4/5 of the West Allen family hunts down the new female Cicada.

The Flash Season 5 Quotes

Iris: Whatever the future brings we’re gonna deal with it when it gets here, and change it if we need to.
Cisco: She’s right. If there’s anything Team Flash is good at, it’s handing the future it’s own ass and then some
Caitlin: What he said.

Barry: Nora wait what are you doing?! You can't touch that, you'll contaminate the evidence!
Nora: Sorry, you mean you don't have a scene wide modified bi-sonic frequency field to avoid cross contamination?
Barry: I don't even think we have some of those WORDS yet!