Jim Carrey on The Office

Did we see Jim Carrey on the season finale? Some fans feel this was an example of stunt casting.

Will Arnett on The Office

Look who wants to be the new branch manager. It's special guest star Will Arnett!

Dwight as Manager

Dwight serves as acting branch manager for a week on The Office. As you can see, this could spell trouble.

The Inner Circle Picture

The Office staff believes Deangelo has an "inner circle" on tonight's episode.

Goodbye Michael Picture

It's Michael Scott's last day in The Office and all he wants is a drama-free day.

Gabe and Erin Picture

Erin realizes she doesn't like her boyfriend, Gabe, during the upcoming episode of The Office, "Michael's Last Dundies."

Gabe and Stanley Picture

A picture of Gabe and Stanley from the upcoming episode of The Office, "Michael's Last Dundies."

Deangelo Vickers in The Office

A picture of Will Ferrell in his new role as Deangelo Vickers on The Office. Is Will Ferrell going to replace Steve Carrell?

Carell and Farrell

Steve Carell and Will Ferrell on The Office. That's an event not to be missed!

Proposal Advice

How will Michael propose to Holly? He seeks advice from his employees on the episode "Garage Sale."

Crazy PDA

PDA alert! PDA alert! Michael and Holly might just be the cutest couple on TV.

Packer is Back

It took Michael awhile, but he finally learned: Todd Packer is a total jerk. TOTAL jerk.

The Office Season 7 Quotes

Hey, Dwight I don't know if you've heard, but we're supposed to be drinking out of weird back packs instead of cups like regular people...oh you did hear.


...because I had a great summer. I got Wes Nile Virus. Lost a ton of weight. Then I went back to the lake. Stepped on a piece of glass in the parking lot, which hurt. That got infected even though I peed on it. Saw Inception, or at least I dreamt I did.
