Side by Side - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Captain Mercer and Commander Grayson present a united front on the bridge.

Survivor - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Mercer and Finn check on Grayson after she's been tortured by Hamelac

Facing Evil - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Grayson is defiant in confrontation with Hamelac in his chambers

Bortus at His Station - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Bortus (Peter Macon) contemplates his domestic squabbles while on duty

Convincing Hamelac - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Mercer stuns Hamelac when reasoning with him doesn't work.

Off to See the Reformers - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Tomilin (Max Burkholder) leads Mercer's away team to the Hall of Reformers

Head of Security - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Kitan (Halston Sage) in the foreground with 2nd Officer Bortus (Peter Macon) behind her

At the Helm - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Malloy (Scott Grimes) and LaMarr (j. Lee) exchange a knowing look

Truth To Power - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Capt. Mercer attempts to convince Hamelac that his entire world is in great danger.

In the Hall of Reformers - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Mercer learns what he can from a group of dissidents called Reformers

Isaac - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Isaac (Mark Jackson) asks for clarification on human turns of phrase

Tortured - The Orville Season 1 Episode 4

Grayson (Adrianne Palicki) endures torture at the hands of Hamelac (Robert Knepper)

The Orville Quotes

Mercer: I know Gordon has his issues but we all know that there's nobody that can drive a starship like him.
Admiral: Didn't he once draw a penis on the main viewing screen of Outpost T-85?
Mercer: He's drawn a lot of penises on a lot of things.

Mercer: I've had some personal stuff that's been going on... It's not really worth going into... Can I have one of these mints?
Admiral: Those are marbles.