What's Next? - The Royals Season 4 Episode 8

Cyrus and Liam regroup after King Robert's stag party to reveal that they were in cahoots the whole time. What do they have planned for him?

Angry Liam - The Royals Season 4 Episode 8

Liam knocked out Cyrus after he was berating King Robert but in a shocking twist, it was all part of their plan to take him down.

At the King's Table - The Royals Season 4 Episode 8

King Robert gathered all of England's finest for his Stag party to reveal that he was abolishing Parliament for good.

I'm a Ghost - The Royals Season 4 Episode 8

Willow had a really bad LSD trip after Cassandra snuck into the palace disguised as a masseuse and laced her essential oils.

Watch This - The Royals Season 4 Episode 8

King Robert continuously picked on Jasper and tried to embarrass him at his Stag party but Jasper knew just how to deal with a bully.

Out of Control - The Royals

A party gets out of control on The Royals. "In The Dead Vast and Middle of the Night" is the eighth episode of the show's fourth season.

The Royals Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Willow: What happened?
Eleanor: Ugh, well, someone drugged you. And then you lit yourself on fire. And then you pretended to be a ghost. And then you knocked yourself unconscious.
Willow: That’s exactly how I feel.

Willow: I nearly drowned her, the Queen of England. I nearly suffocated her in a vat of chocolatey goodness.
Eleanor: There are worse ways to go.