Hightailing It Out of There - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

It looks like Eph pulled the trigger and Dutch wants to hightail it out of there. Is he attempting to make sure Palmer's dead? Won't someone from down below spot him?

Scoping Out the Scene - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Is Dutch scoping out the fire escape they'll use to flee from the scene of the crime? Do you think the duo will manage to kill Palmer and get away with it?

Taking the Shot - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Once Eph takes the shot, the duo will need to make a clean getaway. The promo hints that Palmer is attending a fairly public function. Will his bodyguards (or the cops) spot the assassin?

Targeting Palmer - The Strain Season 2 Episode 10

Dutch and Ephraim target Palmer from the rooftops. Eph's not exactly the best shot, but will he at least wound the old man? Or will Palmer walk away unscathed?

Eph and Dutch Partner Up - The Strain

Eph and Dutch partner up to take down the Master's human ally. Will they be successful or will Palmer get away?

Job Well Done - The Strain Season 2 Episode 9

Looks like a job well done! The gang take out several vamps while attempting to restore the power. Will the good guys win this round? Tune in to The Strain on Sunday to find out.

Fet Takes Aim - The Strain Season 2 Episode 9

In order to succeed, Fet and company are going to have to take out several strigoi. Will they run into Kelly?

Restoring Power - The Strain Season 2 Episode 9

Eph, Nora, Zack and Fet appear to be on a mission to restore power to Red Hook. Will they get those lights back on?

Light's Out? - The Strain Season 2 Episode 9

Ultraviolet lights are clearly protecting the entrance to Red Hook. What will happen if those light's go out? Will the strigoi overpower our heroes?

Words of Wisdom - The Strain Season 2 Episode 9

"You've no idea what you're facing" Setrakin warns the Councilwoman and her team. Will the professor play nice or go off on his own?

Drastic Measures - The Strain Season 2 Episode 9

You've got to hand it to her, Justine sure did make a difference in Red Hook. What drastic measures will she take now to counter the upcoming threat?

Listening to Eph - The Strain Season 2 Episode 9

Justine appears to be taking Eph's advice here, but what action will they take? How can they stop the strigoi invasion?

The Strain Season 2 Quotes

Eph: So you're still on board? You're still ready to follow him down every dark tunnel in the city?
Vasiliy: Yeah, but I've got my own plan.
Eph: Which is?
Vasiliy: I'm gonna secure my place, then next door, then the block and then the next block.
Eph: The ground game isn't for me.
Vasiliy: So what are you gonna do?
Eph: Well seeing as how as a vampire hunter I'm total shit, I'm gonna go back to being a doctor.

There once was a great nobleman named Jusef Sardu. Since childhood he suffered from gigantism. His body was aging, his bones were bent and riddled with ache, so he was forced to walk with a cane.

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