Helping Out a Whisperer - The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7

The Walking Dead has another Whisperer in Alexandria.

Lydia Wants Answers - The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7

Lydia continues to work on her skills while waiting on answers.

Carol with Gifts - The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7

Carol wants to help everyone out, but will she kill the Whisperer she kidnapped?

I Worship the Alpha - The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7

This Whisperer only cares about Alpha, and what she can do to help him.

Daryl Searches - The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7

Daryl knows there is more to this new Whisperer than meets the eye.

Looking for Meaning - The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7

Siddiq wants to find out more about what's going on with the water. Is it too late?

Siddiq is Confused - The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7

Siddiq is struggling to make sense of everything going on.

The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 7 Quotes

Aaron: Don't do this. It isn't you.
Gamma: You have no idea who I am.

Carol: Your mother told her people she killed you.
Lydia: You said you wanted my help.
Carol: I did.
Lydia: You used me.
Carol: Lydia, I'm sorry.
Lydia: You're just like her.
Aaron: Lydia.
Lydia: You said you wanted me to choose a side. I choose mine.
Carol: You can't go out there. It's too dangerous.
Lydia: You can't stop me.