Sarah and Simon at Lunch

Simon takes Sarah out to lunch in the next episode of Trust Me, "But Wait, There's More." Simon is trying to steal Sarah to come work for his rival company, The Mink Group.

Donna Murphy as Denise

Donna Murphy guest stars next episode of Trust Me, "But Wait, There's More" as Denise Raynor, the CEO of Rothman, Greene and Mohr.

Mason and Sarah

Mason sure puts a lot of pressure on Sarah when he tells the CEO that Sarah is going to win them an award on next week's Trust Me, "But Wait, There's More."

Conner and Mason Working

Conner and Mason are working together on a really tough campaign on the next episode of Trust Me, "But Wait, There's More."

Conner Massages Sarah

While Sarah is trying to work, good old Conner swings in to give Sarah a head massage on next week's Trust Me, "But Wait, There's More."

Conner Messes with Sarah

Conner loves to mess with poor Sarah when she tries to work. Here's a cute pic of them from next week's "But Wait, There's More."

Trust Me Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Mason: Is there some rule that talented writers have to be self-absorbed pains in the ass?
Conner [not paying attention]: I'm sorry. What?

Mason [about giving a speech about Stu]: I can't think of anything nice to say. Stu hated me.
Conner: I wouldn't lead with that.