- bailey goes off on Towen about the drugs and assisted suicide thing.
- Jackson and April are there with Harriet visiting Catherine and he gives her what her eulogy will be because she wants to hear it.
- Bailey sees April and puts her in charge of the pit.
- Warren tells her that they have to shut down trama because they don't have any blood.
- Mer finds out that that they don't have blood for Bridget.
- Jackson tries to impress Ms. Blake and shmooze her.
- Amelia talks to April about how much she's hung up on Kai.
- Webber goes off on Mer for choosing to do the surgery anyway and she has flashbacks to Derek and other times he was yelled at.
- KRisten starts bleeding and has a placental abruption and needs blood. Levi has to figure it out.
- Simon has the blood and they have to take his blood to give to his wife. He begs them to take him off the machine to save his wife and child
- Catherine's tumor is responding to the chemo so she's doing okay.
- Bailey told Owen and Teddy to resign and run as before she reports them so they're making a break for it.
- Mer's patient dies despite her efforts
- Kristen has the baby and they rush it to Simon so he can see his child before he dies.
- Teddy and Owen leave after Amelia brings them the kids and she's upset because she doesn't why they're leaving and feels alone.
- She apologizes to Link. He let's things go with her and they're on good terms.
- Bailey agrees to help Levi fight the blood ban.
- They terminate the program
- Kai shows up for Amelia and the kiss.
- Jackson asks Mer to stay longer to help fix the program and she declines. Bailey quits and makes Mer chief.
- Mer feels trapped there and she and Nick argue and she tells him to leave. He does. She calls after him, and he's already gone.