Kwan is searching for answers.
She finds the ladies in the desert and is immediately thrust into a battle for survival.
She fights someone who looks like Master Chief, and finds herself realizing what she needs to do to proceed.
This helps her change things in her life, but she knows she has to take Vinsher down.
Soren returns and they make a plan to escape with their lives.
However, the plan is caught up in stupidity because they need to get a gas line going to shoot it and kill Vinsher.
Soren has lots of coins and survives many bullets as Kwan finds the weapon from 117 and uses it to start the gas line.
She and Soren hide and Vinsher is killed by the blast.
They leave and Soren gets ready to go back to his planet.
Kwan is now ready to move on with her life in a way that she thinks will help everyone.
However, she knows she has to find John again to be sure they can be safe.
As there is more going on with it all, they set out on a big mission.