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Homeland Review: You Got To Win It In The Fire

Critic's Rating: 4 / 5.0

Would you feel sympathy for an American traitor doing what he can to help the leader of a terrorist organization? I wouldn’t think so, but Homeland pulled that emotion out of me during “Crossfire.”

The end of last week’s hour delivered yet another twist in the story, as we realized that Brody was in fact working with Abu Nazir. When it was revealed that he was indeed the individual sitting in that chair, I was a bit surprised – and excited – but after pondering it a bit more over the course of the week, I came into this episode hoping that it was the final turn in the who is/who isn’t saga.

Carrie at a Mosque
(Kent Smith/SHOWTIME)

Fortunately, we seem to be out of those metaphorical woods, as “Crossfire” focused mainly on Brody’s thoughts and emotions now that the audience knows he is definitely helping Nazir. What exactly happened to him to make him want to turn against his beloved country? We learned that, too.

Like everything else that Homeland has done up to this point in the series, it was extremely captivating. As I noted above, it would seem difficult to feel for a man that is betraying his people, but with the way the show has built Brody as a character, and the number of layers they have given him, it was easy to do so here.

Isa was like a son to him. He lived with him every day, and there is no doubt that most people would soon start to feel a connection with the boy if put in a situation like that. They played, they learned, and, as was exemplified by that drawing and hug… they loved.

Americans come in and bomb the town, killing Isa in the process,and Brody is just supposed to live life the way he always had? I guess his answer to that question was no because apparently he signed right up to help Nazir with whatever he needed.

So back in present day, where Brody just finished telling that diplomat that he was “done,” the good sergeant was convinced to stay the course. Watching the telecast of the Vice President explaining the bombing those few years ago was enough to get him back on board.

The other two stories weren’t as in-depth, and frankly couldn’t match Brody’s for intrigue, but both helped move the plot along well enough.

Carrie continued her run of simultaneously being a nut bar who is extremely good at her job. Recording an off-the-record conversation between her and an upper-level FBI agent was both ridiculous and genius. You have to figure one of these days acts like this will get the best of her.

Meanwhile, Walker practiced shooting his sniper rifle on office supplies in the woods. It was too bad that Dan stumbled upon the event. I knew the hunter wasn’t going to get out of the woods alive, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t jump when Walker’s gun broke the truck window and killed the poor guy instantly.

“Crossfire” was a bit of a change of pace from what we have all called the best new series of the season, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t just as good as the twist-a-minute action of the first half of the run.

If Homeland continues to give insight to these extremely complex and interesting characters, while following along as the terrorists attempt to harm America and the CIA tries to stop them, will definitely be pleased.

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