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Jane By Design Review: Surprises… Good and Bad!

Critic's Rating: 4.5 / 5.0

It was Jane’s birthday this week – and an occasion for Ben’s plan to fail, big time, on “The Surprise.”

A couple episodes ago, Jane By Design did a homage to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off; this week it was Sixteen Candles, continuing the string of 1980s movie references throughout the series. Unfortunately, most of the teens who watch the show probably have not seen these classic movies. If you haven’t, go find them, watch them and enjoy them.

Billy's Planning a Surprise
(ABC Family)

Unlike in Sixteen Candles, Ben and Billy have purposefully let Jane think they forgot about her birthday. That is never a good idea. Don’t try that at home! It will likely end up worse that what happened to Jane. At least she got an incredible non-date for her special day.

The love quadrangle officially turned into the love pentagon with Gray’s nephew, Eli, entering into the fray. If you thought that Nick or Jeremy were out of the race for Jane’s heart, both proved they still care about her. Poor Nick. He clearly still has a thing for Jane, his arm is busted now and his (ex?) girlfriend Lulu is a witch. Can’t the guy catch a break?

Then, there is Jeremy. He couldn’t take the deception anymore and got drunk and revealed himself to Jane. What will Jane do with this information? In the winter finale, when he was outed as the mole, I assumed Jane would turn him in. But, now, I’m not sure. Jeremy’s regret was heartfelt. Jane’s not innocent given her secret, so I could see her covering for him. I actually hope she does and she partners with him against India. However, it could also be fun to see Jane partner up with India instead … okay, maybe not.

No one is without a secret. Billy was damaged by Lulu and his issues with her upper class life has unwittingly created a divide between him and his new (girl)friend, Zoe. Hmm … another 1980s movie theme. Pretty in Pink, anyone? Will Billy be able to overlook Zoe’s financial situation and lie about her home? I hope so, because she has been good for him so far.

Jane’s fake date with Eli ended up being an amazing day for her. What a roller coaster ride! She goes and has a fun time with Eli after Ben and Billy forget her birthday, then finds out it was an assignment to only then find out that he requested it! The kicker – he asks her on a real date. Erica Dasher has chemistry with all her male co-stars, which makes it difficult to not like Jane with her guy-of-the-moment.

Her crazy birthday ended with Ben showing up and apologizing for ruining her birthday. It may not have been a perfect birthday, but it is sure to be one she doesn’t forget and that was before the unexpected guest arrival:

Jane’s mother (Teri Hatcher) is back!

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