Stabler can't sleep and gets up to look at security footage of Kathy's murder. He watches the car being blown up over and over, obviously upset, then notices something.
There is someone taking selfies on the street. He calls a police contact who doesn't appreciate being woken up in the middle of the night to ask him to get those photos.
Meanwhile, a kid named Cole takes a package inside and the next thing we see, his mother goes to get him up for school and finds him passed out and maybe dead.
Bell and Stabler interrogate Izak, who denies having anything to do with Sinatra's death. However they have his gun which was involved in a bunch of murders. Izak's lawyer calls it a witch hunt and ends the meeting.
Bell tells Stabler this is an expensive, well-known lawyer. Stabler thinks Izak wouldn't talk anyway. By the way, Bell doesn't mind him having Kathy's murder photos as long as he's focused on the current case too. Anyway, Jet is back from a train trip where the Internet was spotty but has got some financial records. Bell sends her and Morales to investigate in Queens.
They interview a pharmacist who denies knowing Wheatley. Jet finds out about him filling a scrip for the ingredients used in Purple Magic.
Stabler seems deeply affected and out of it when Bell takes him to the scene of Cole's death and he sees the body. Cole died of an OD of Purple Magic. The mother freaks out about them taking the body. She cries. Stabler comforts her.
Bell thinks that technically Cole broke the law because he was over 18 and ordered drugs. Stabler wants to tie this death to Wheatley's operation.
Meanwhile, Wheatley wants to know everything about Gina before Richie's birthday party.
Stabler talks to the detective in charge of Kathy's case, who says the couple on the street didn't see anything and won't let Stabler help investigate. Stabler ends up punching a wall in front of Eli, who runs away. Izak calls and wants to meet. His gun was fired the night of Sinatra's murder and he thinks Wheatley did it. He wants protection if he cooperates. Stabler tells him to sit tight and they'll see.
Carisi and Stabler talk to a judge about getting a secret attorney who will make the deal with Izak. She doesn't like it as it's only technically legal but relents when Stabler tells her about Cole's overdose and how that operation is "technically legal."
Meanwhile, surprise! Gina knows she is being watched. She doesn't want Bell assigning someone to follow her. She can handle herself. Bell gives her instructions about the bug.
Eli doesn't appreciate it that Stabler takes his phone away to see what he's doing and insists he is not ordering drugs, just geo-tagging a photo on Instagram (great idea when the mob already tried to kidnap him once…) Stabler gets an idea and wants to look at geo tags for the park near where Kathy was killed. He decides to look while driving and causes an accident.
A shaken, upset Kathleen meets Benson in a coffee shop. She wants to stage an intervention with the family but says it won't work unless Benson is there too.
During his party, Richie gets mad when Dana and Wheatley interrogate GIna and walks away.
A very creepy scene of Wheatley trying to find out who Gina is while she places the bug is juxtaposed with Benson trying to convince Stabler to let them help him. Stabler admits that he loves Benson (?) but then says he loves all of them, but they can't help. He is drowning and their efforts to help him are pulling him further under. He runs away and goes to Angie, saying she's the only one who understands.
Angie and Stabler talk about their grief. She encourages him to get some sleep and reassures him it will get better.
At the fake arraignment, the judge grants 1 million dollars bail and Carisi pretends to be outraged. After, Bell tells Stabler to go be with his son. Stabler tells her Eli is living with his sister now.
Instead of going home, Stabler goes to meet Lucy Snow, the woman who was taking selfies the night Kathy was murdered. She tells him it was her one year anniversary. She heard the explosion. She feels so horrible about it and hopes he catches the killer. She will have her boyfriend send him the photos.
At home, a very much alone Stabler eats at the counter and tries to call Benson who doesn't take his call. He's depressed and tries to go to sleep and can't sleep. He gets the photos from Lucy. He enlarges one and sees Olinsky in a window across the street. He calls Benson again. It's the middle of the night. She awakens, sees it's him, and rolls her eyes before declining the call and going back to sleep.
Stabler leaves another message. Kathy was the target. Why?