There are plenty of romances on TV that are nothing but drama…
There are the will they/won’t they duos, the liars and cheaters, and the on again/off again romances.
But what about the married partners that make it all work?
Surprisingly, TV has several married couples who are not only happy, but still wildly entertaining to watch.
They may face challenges, but these twosomes are madly in love, even after surviving the bad times along with the good.
Thankfully, some TV couples make us believe that wedded bliss is possible. Here are the 13 marriages we wish were ours!
Randall and Beth Pearson – This Is Us
They’re still madly in love and the best of friends. Beth and Randall’s marriage is built on mutual respect, support, and trust. They see the best in one another, protect each other, and even argue without ever tearing one another down. They’re good parents but even more important, they are good partners. Who doesn’t want a marriage like theirs?

Elizabeth and Henry McCord – Madam Secretary
She’s a former CIA agent turned Secretary of State. He’s a college professor and a consultant for the NSA. Despite the fact that they both have demanding careers and are raising three challenging teenagers, Elizabeth and Henry still manage to make one another a priority. These two flirt often, sometimes argue, and always pull together to make their marriage and family work. No question, we definitely aspire to have what they have.

Prince Charming and Snow White – Once Upon a Time
Snow and Charming’s love has survived through multiple realities, time shifts and evil villains. They’ve even proved that True Love’s kiss can break a curse. Whether they go by David and Mary Margaret or Prince Charming and Snow White, these two embody the true meaning of happily ever after and nothing or no one will tear them apart.

Temperance Brennan and Seeley Booth – Bones
They started off as partners and over time became good friends. Through serial killers, Booth’s gambling addiction, and relationship growing pains, these two have turned out to be one of the strongest couples on TV. Now they’re not only married and in love, they are the proud parents to two precocious kids, and somehow still find the time to fight crime. It’s difficult not to fall in love with Booth and Brennan.

Cameron and Mitchell – Modern Family
They were already an amazing couple and wonderful parents to their daughter Lily before they ever got married. So we were thrilled to see Cam and Mitch finally tie the knot and make it official on the Modern Family season 5 finale. Their acceptance of one another’s quirks makes their marriage even stronger and that’s something to which we can all aspire.

Bernadette and Howard Wolowitz – The Big Bang Theory
Once upon a time, Howard was an immature guy who lived with his mother, but he’s grown up a lot since then. Once Howard met Bernadette, he became a part of one of the sweetest, funniest couples on TV. From their first date, to their perfect rooftop wedding, and the song he wrote her on their anniversary, we love watching Bernadette and Howard. Now that this unique couple has become a family, we can’t wait to see more.

Kevin and Donna Gable – Kevin Can Wait
Kevin Gable is a recently retired police officer. Donna is a nurse. After 20 years of marriage, these two aren’t only still in love, they are the best of friends. They know all one another’s quirks and find them more amusing than annoying. These two manage to find the humor, even when things get difficult, and that’s a trait that every successful married couple needs.

Louie Provenza and Patrice Perry – Major Crimes
Both Provenza and Patrice have been married before…and in Provenza’s case, several times! But this duo are proof that no matter what your age or your history, love can still prevail. These two have loved and lost enough to know what they want from themselves and one another. Best of all, they really seem to make one another happy. What more can anyone hope for?

Tom and Alex Kirkman – Designated Survivor
Tom and Alex Kirkman never thought their lives would turn out like this. She was an attorney while he was a cabinet member about to change jobs, when thanks to a terrorist attack, they became the President of the United States and First Lady overnight. Despite the incredible stress and extreme circumstances, this couple has managed to stay strong and fight for their country and their family, together.

Roger and Trish Murtaugh – Lethal Weapon
She’s an attorney. He’s a detective with the LAPD. With 20 years together, two demanding careers, parenting two teenagers and an infant, plus dealing with Roger’s health issues, you’d think their marriage would show signs of wear, but these two appear stronger than ever. They are a team in every way, even when it comes to handling Roger’s new and somewhat unstable partner. Now that’s commitment.

Angela and Jack Hodgins – Bones
Angela and Hodgins have been through hell and back together. They’ve always been a solid couple, but nothing proved that more than when they dealt with Hodgins’ paralysis. Yes, things were pretty rocky at first, but with perseverance and love, they came out the other side stronger than ever.

Claire and Phil Dunphy – Modern Family
Claire’s the perfectionist while Phil’s the goofball. They make time for occasional role play, even while parenting three kids and dealing with a large loving, but challenging extended family that enjoys taking vacations together. Somehow, Claire and Phil not only make it work, they’re still happy and madly in love after all these years.

Jack and Rebecca Pearson – This Is Us
No one can say that married life wasn’t challenging for Jack and Rebecca. Who decides to start a family and expects three babies for the price of one! Money issues, challenging in-laws, and parenting three precocious kids sometimes took its toll but the love they shared remained, even after Jack passed on.