Who comprises the most epic TV couple of all-time?
Click around and decide now.
Zack and Kelly
From The Max to a marriage, Zack and Kelly made the dreams of all Saved by the Bell dreams come true.

Meredith & Derek
The only couple on this list who actually hooked up prior to the series ever starting, Grey’s Anatomy kicked off the morning after Meredith and Derek went home from a bar together. Sure, he was married at the time – but that technicality was no match in the end for (sorry we have to say it…) the McDreamiest pairing on all of television.

Cory and Topanga
How strong was the love between Cory and Topanga? Strong enough for a spinoff!

Peter & Olivia
Fringe tried to keep Peter and Olivia apart by introducing Fauxlivia from another world, but absolutely nothing could tear these two apart, not even an alternate version of Olivia. Vulnerable Olivia and stolen Peter met as children and formed a bond that transcended time and space. They literally turned back time to save each other and their family. Can there be a greater love?

Logan & Veronica
Veronica Mars reminds us that epic love never dies, even when a series ends. Veronica and Logan didn’t make it the first time but no Piz was going to come between the steamy chemistry that nearly explodes every time these two are on screen. They get their happy ending.

Jesse and Becky
It was a Full House full of love for Jesse and Becky for many years on this ABC sitcom.

Sawyer & Juliet
Of Lost’s couple Damon Lindelhof said, “Juliet will always be Sawyer’s true love.” That says a lot, but finding each other before a candy machine in what might have been purgatory was one of the most emotional scenes ever shown. No quips from Sawyer with Juliet, just love.

Mulder & Scully
The original skeptic and believer duo to cross over and find love were Scully and Mulder on X-Files. Even being abducted by aliens didn’t destroy the love that grew out of their ultimate trust as partners and friends.

Mitchell and Cameron
One is flamboyant and one is all-business. But the couple cracks us up on Modern Family.

Damon & Elena
Damon returned to Mystic Falls with the intent of bringing back Katherine, but instead he found Elena, the same beauty with all of the good qualities he sought in love. Their chemistry is smoking hot and they forgive each other above all else. Damon has humanity and Elena feels free when they’re together. That’s magical.

Pam and Jim
Who says office relationships never work out? Jim and Pam proved that adage very much wrong.

Buffy & Spike
For Buffy, vampire Spike transformed into a bad boy killing machine into a compassionate man with a soul. Their chemistry was out of this world and made Buffy’s previous love look dull (Sorry Angel!).

Pacey & Joey
Pacey and Joey showed more excitement and sizzle than Joey ever had with her initial choice, Dawson. Tis a pity the series was called Dawson’s Creek because Pacey and Joey stole our hearts.

Coach & Tami Taylor
Coach and Tami Taylor had, quite simply, the marriage everyone aspires to have — full of love, affection, honesty and passion for each other with a willingness to compromise and support each other. Swoon!

Marshall and Lily
They’ve made love very sweet and very hilarious. Maybe the funniest couple in TV history.

Seth & Summer
She was the popular girl. He was the nerd. Their love seemed like a flower that would never blossom, until Summer learned what other OC fans discovered on Day One: Seth is The Man! Highlighted by a Spider-Man-like kiss in the rain, this relationship ended in a beautiful series finale marriage.

Chuck and Blair
We call them Chair. And we’ll never forget the ups and downs that led to their love.

Carrie & Mr. Big
Sex and the City would have never been the same without Carrie’s quest to land Mr. Big. They continually pushed and pulled each other until they realized denial was fruitless.

David and Donna
David and Donna ended Beverly Hills, 90210 as a married couple. And the former nabbed the latter’s V-Card prior to that.

Lorelai & Luke
On Gilmore Girls Luke and Lorelai started out as friends and took a slow burn toward romance. They never lost their ability to push each others buttons to keep things fresh and we still don’t know if they ended up together forever.

Ross & Rachel
The ultimate back-and-forth couple… who we all knew would end up forth in the end. But it took a baby and many other boyfriends and girlfriends in between before Ross and Rachel arrived at that same conclusion on Friends. Just never use the word “break” around these two.

Homer and Marge
Homer and Marge have raised three nearly normal kids on The Simpsons. We just won’t count Bart.

Angela & Jordan Catalano
My So Called Life was almost as brief as any time these two spent together. The show’s cancellation forever scarred girls who, like Angela, set their sites on the cool guy just out of touch. Angela got close enough to kiss Jordan, but we’ll never know what could have been. Epic.