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Manzo’d with Children Season 1 Episode 3 Recap: Off to the Races

The drama heats up this week on Manzo'd with Children. Albie and Chris look to open a second Little Town NJ (their first restaurant) at the Meadowlands Racetrack, but they quickly run into a speed bump when they realize the second restaurant they were hoping to open is really only a beer truck. 

Good thing Chris has a guy who can help them out. That guy…well…it's dad Albert! Albie is none too pleased with the beer truck that "their guy" provides, but after a nice wash and some polishing, the beer truck is ready for its opening. 

At the opening of the second Little Town NJ, Albie's girlfriend Britney shows up, which only leads to more drama within the family. Caroline is none too pleased with Albie's choice in a significant other; but it's Lauren who sends Albie over the edge with her unsolicited opinions regarding his new paramour. Britney isn't good enough for Albie, and the last thing she wants is for Albie to have kids with her.

Fed up, Albie threatens cutting off his relationship with Lauren if she doesn't stop poking her nose into his dating life. This leads to some choice words from Lauren, who thinks Albie is the one who asks for commentary from his family regarding his girlfriends. 

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