Tally calls Petra to let her know Raelle has been abducted. Raelle awakens strapped to a lab table and is told the Camarilla will have her gift. Then she is sedated. Adil creates a blood compass then fills it with Chafvel's blood. He and Abigail will use it to find those who attacked Charvel. Tally is ordered back to Fort Salem. Tally consoles Edwin. The phone rings and it's Scylla checking on Raelle. She gives Willa the bad news. Petra and Anacostia work to keep Alder's condition under wraps. The mycelium kills the surgical team which killed Raelle. Alban determines that death unleashes the mycelium. Scylla and Willa enchant Tooms to take them to Raelle. Tally tells Quinn's cell of "dodgers" what she knows about the Camarilla. A man accosting Abigail punches Adil and he strikes back harder. After Raelle is crushed to death, the mycelium spares innocent children Alban had brought into the room. Adil and Abigail find the Camarilla hideout. Tooms, carrying Scylla and Willa, arrives at the same building. While Adil frees the young witches, Abigail takes down the man wearing Charvel's voicebox. While protecting her back, Adil discovers he can crush human bone. He informs Abigail that the Camarilla have Raelle. Willa and Scylla see Alban infecting Raelle with witch plague. Willa attempts to heal her. Adil and Abigail catch up. Willa cures Raelle by taking the witch plague into herself. They meet one last time in the mycelium. Raelle awakens to find Willa dead. Abigail and Scylla rescue her and close the door, trapping the plague inside. Despite his misgivings, Adil's quake collapses the hideout. During an attack on Alder, Tally knocks out the Biddy who is the spy who made the attack possible. Tally sees Nicte through the spy's eyes. Raelle awakens with Scylla at her bedside.