Kensi and Deeks shippers must have been jumping for joy with the opening of NCIS: Los Angeles tonight. Though there had to be others like me saying, “No, no, no. It has to be for a case. Undercover mission … please!”
And, then … Phew. (I didn’t see any previews, so I didn’t know they were undercover.)
In the end, there was something for both fans that want these partners to get romantic and also for those who don’t. I fall in the later group, but this episode may have moved me a little more towards understanding why people want them as a pair. Kensi and Deeks possess some amazing chemistry.
Their bickering was so true that it seemed like they really were married. But, while it was hilarious to watch, it doesn’t necessarily form a solid basis for a relationship. They work well together as partners; that’s how it should remain. That kiss, however? Wow. Deeks definitely felt something. Did Kensi feel something too or was her denial legit?
The highlight of “Neighborhood Watch” was watching Kensi and Deeks work so closely while living together. The case itself was not very compelling. And the neighbors were so obvious that it was a little embarrassing that neither agent realized what was going on. Was it bad writing? Or were they just so distracted by each other that they missed the clues?
The gay neighbor with the itty bitty dog was clearly involved. It was obvious when he chased after the animal when Deeks left the Russian sleeper agent’s house. Even more ridiculous was that they didn’t catch on that their dinner hosts were swingers.
Despite those minor annoyances, the episode was tons of fun to watch and a nice departure from the usual heavy life or death situations that the boathouse crew handles. Nell’s dating site, Romancing the One, popping up on the screen was a nice complement to the main story.
As I’ve mentioned before when Nell flirted with Nate, I may not want a Kensi-Deeks romance, but I’d love to see Nell and Eric hook up. She’s given Eric plenty of hints and he finally reciprocated by giving her his dating profile. Plus, he bought her 46 years of Football Trivia. So cute, yet does he not know her at all?
Overall, I loved this episode. It was pleasant and light-hearted to set up the finale next week, which is sure to be intense with a humongous cliffhanger.
Which couple do you want to see hook up?
A few of the funny highlights. You find more in our NCIS:LA quotes section.
Callen: I don’t think my soul mate is a mouse click away. | permalink
Kensi: Is that a fanny pack?
Deeks: No, it’s a bro-sack. | permalink
Kensi: And, take that off.
Deeks: All right.
Kensi: (gasps) Oh, my God, not your pants.
Deeks: What? Oh, my bad. Thought you wanted me to take my pants off.
Kensi: I can’t believe you just did that. | permalink