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New Amsterdam Season 4 Episode 18 Recap: No Ifs, Ands, or Buts

  • Helen is having a hard time with her therapy and is frustrated by her lack of progress despite encouragement.
  • Her speech therapist encourages her to invite Max to the session to help out.
  • Max encounters Veronica and spills the beans about his intentions to bring her down. He keeps  bringing up things from Veronica's past that she's already shared.
  • Floyd's patient won't return ffor an important surgery because he got charged thousands of dollars after insurance just because of Floyd. Floyd offers up  his vingtage car to get the patient back and a free surgeyr
  • Leyla gives Lauren her first downpayment, and it bothers Lauren how things are between them.
  • Lauren is aggravated with Mia because of her diagnosis to a paitnet who needed modern medicine.
  • Juliet was dating a boy named Isaac but realized after she kissed other boys that Isaac was the only one she wanted. She's upset that Isaac doesn't want her back.
  • Juliet and Isaac talk things through and it works for them.
  • Max tells other patients about Veroinca in hopes of ruining her rep and Veronica seems ufazed by it.
  • Juliet dumps Isaac publicly which sends him spiraling.
  • Helen doesn't tell Max about the meeting and its an issue.
  • Lauren is irate when Kyle goes back to Mia. But then she realizes she's being hard on Mia and they realize that Kyle has celiac's disease.
  • Lauren goes to Mia for cupping and to feel better because the sitation with Leyla isn't making her feel well.
  • Max makes hsi move on the board and Veronica thinks she overpowered him but it was really a setup for him and Karen to get her to buy the urgent care.
  • Juliet realies she has a full grasp and command of her feelings.
  • Iggy recognizes taht he's he problem and goes to a therapast on his own.
  • Helen tells Max why she was shutting him out and apologizes. They practice her words and she does well with them and have a sweet moment.

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