There’s been one important premise since the beginning of this series and it rears its head yet again in Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 2.
Magic always comes with a price.
Some fans groaned when they realized our heroes had lost their memories once again, but it is turning out to be an intriguing mystery as we get snippets of what occurred in Camelot.

Merlin is a tree? Seriously. And only the savior may be able to break the curse that caused him to sprout roots. Can Regina just decide to be the savior? I doubt it, although I think she had the best of intentions. It’s obvious that one magic spell to Emma is the equivalent of one drink to an alcoholic. It’s both one too much, and at the same time, never enough.
The ball was very sweet and a nice break from the rest of the angst. Who ever thought we’d be watching Prince Charming teach the Evil Queen how to dance? Also, it was fun to watch Henry try and impress a girl. He and Violet make a cute couple.
I couldn’t blame Regina for asking Emma to save Robin. She’s lost so much over the years, it’s no wonder she’d do almost anything to keep love now that she’s found it. She could have forced Emma to help, but she didn’t. I think that speaks to how far she’s come. I don’t think the Evil Queen would have thought twice about forcing anyone to do almost anything, no matter the consequences.
Back in Storybrooke, everyone was trying to figure out the ins and outs of this new curse, as Grumpy wanted to find out if they could bail on Storybrooke all together.
Grumpy: Snow Queen, Pan, Trio of Terror. We can handle villains like that but Emma. She knows how we beat bad guys. Heck, she beat most of them for us.
🔗 permalink: Snow Queen, Pan, Trio of Terror. We can handle villains like that but Emma. She knows how we…
Snarky Emma wasn’t as much fun as snarky Regina who was quick to tell Grumpy exactly what she thought of his plan in this Once Upon a Time quote…
Regina: If you’re dumb enough to cross the line, be my guest.
🔗 permalink: If you’re dumb enough to cross the line, be my guest.
Hook tried to use True Love’s kiss on Emma with one of the steamier kisses we’ve gotten to see in Storybrooke. Unfortunately it didn’t work because Emma has embraced her dark power. That said, she was still more than willing to take her pirate for a roll in hay, but Hook wasn’t interested.
He wants the Emma he fell in love with. Spunky, sometimes difficult, beautiful but most of all, good.
I enjoyed Hook and Belle being able to bond over loving a Dark One. She’s right. It’s far easier to hate one, but despite the huge obstacles they face, Hook isn’t giving up…
Hook: I spent over a century trying to find a way to kill the bloody crocodile. I can spend at least that long trying to save the woman I love.
🔗 permalink: I spent over a century trying to find a way to kill the bloody crocodile. I can spend at…
It’s hard not to love a man with that kind of determination and persistence.
The Fury was suitably creepy, but I was a little unsure if Snow, Charming, Grumpy and Belle intended to stop the Fury from taking Regina to the Underworld or were willing to make the trip with her. Thankfully it couldn’t seem to handle them all but will it be back? Isn’t there still a price to pay for Robin’s life?
How exactly did Excalibur end up in Emma’s basement of all places? Does she really hope to banish the light completely from her life and the world? Is King Arthur the only one who can remove the sword from the stone? Is that why he was brought Storybrooke?
There’s still so much mystery to uncover. Check back next week for Once Upon a Time season 5 Episode 3, and if you want more now, you can watch Once Upon a Time online here at TV Fanatic.
And here is your first look ahead to Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 3: